Posts in Family Systems
Fun Ways To Connect With Your Inner Child

As someone who is learning how to have fun, a big part of my recovery is learning how to connect with myself, my inner child, in fun ways! Of course, part of the healing process is feeling our feelings, often feelings we have worked really hard not to feel. In this way, healing our emotional wounds can often be exhausting and overwhelming. It’s important to balance out the hard stuff with fun stuff!

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Family Therapy

“In healthy families, the parents are there to meet the emotional needs of the children. In dysfunctional families, the children are there to meet the emotional needs of the parents.” Virginia Satir

In helping individuals in their own recovery, and or couples that are trying to lead their family in a healthier direction, this statement illuminates where some wounding may have taken place, or where some healing can still take place.

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Repair and Step 9

I was sharing with my husband the other night about an incident where a friend replied to an email and I felt stunned. After not talking to this friend in a year I invited her to attend a work event. She declined saying that since we hadn’t connected in so long that it was time to end our personal relationship but we could continue to be professional colleagues.

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What Exactly Is Codependency?

Codependency is when ones insides and outsides do not match up. Another definition is needlessness, or “I’ll do it my damn self” because no one can do it as well as I can. Another definition is micromanaging and over functioning with another person or other people in general. This is an external focus, or locus of control. The root of codependency is dishonesty.

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How Do I Reach My Goals?

Often my clients come to me saying they are desperate to make some changes in their life, but they have struggled to remain consistent or motivated. How does consistency and motivation happen? What determines how likely someone is to reach their goals?

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