Do You Suffer From A Constant Feeling of Apathy And Emptiness? 

Are you struggling with a lack of energy and motivation? Do the things you once loved no longer bring you any joy? Maybe you feel numb, empty, and affectless, plagued by an inability to care about work, relationships, and all the things that are normally important to you. Your self-care routine may have fallen by the wayside, as you find yourself turning away from connection and saying no to outings with friends and family.

If you’re dealing with depression, you may suffer from a general lack of interest in life and a constant feeling of apathy. Your depression may show up as fatigue, a markedly low sex drive, loss of appetite, or even a change in your sleep patterns. If you have kids, perhaps you feel no motivation to spend time with them. You may skip out on their athletic events, neglect helping them with homework, or put off doing fun things with them. 

At the moment, you probably wish you could just push the easy button and erase your depression once and for all. After all, because depression is so draining and exhausting, you may not even have the energy needed to try and overcome it. That’s why it’s so important to seek professional help. Instead of falling back on your own strength to combat depression, therapy is a chance to strengthen your support system and learn new coping skills with the help of a compassionate, nurturing professional. 

Many People Hide Their Depression For Fear Of Being Judged

In spite of all the awareness surrounding clinical depression these days, most people don’t recognize depression in others. For instance, if you’re depressed and you’re out for dinner or hanging out with friends, depression can cause you to withdraw into yourself out of sadness and lack of interest. People may interpret your behavior as aloof, when in reality you are trying to mask the overwhelming distress you feel. In that way, depression is silent, elusive, and creates no sound, making it easy to hide your pain around others. 

Because depression is easy to hide and sometimes difficult to notice, most people suffering from it feel profoundly alone. For many, personal connection has been limited, and the isolation that accompanies depression has only grown. 

What’s more, our society is rife with negative beliefs about depression. Many people think depression is a “choice,” or that depressed people are simply “lazy” or “apathetic.” What they don’t realize is that depression is often a result of circumstances outside a person’s control, such as trauma, genetics, or brain chemistry. But because of all the cultural misconceptions, many depressed people hide their pain for fear that others will judge them. As a result, they often come to suffer from “terminal uniqueness”—the feeling that they are the only one struggling and no one shares their pain.

Part of the cure for depression is connection. We suffer in silence; we heal when we are seen. Here at the Relationship Enrichment Center, we provide a safe, private space for you to work through depression with a compassionate therapist who will ensure that you are heard, seen, and validated. 

Depression Treatment Can Help You Tie Up The Loose Ends Of Your Struggles 

When treating depression, the most non-invasive, homeopathic remedy is exercise. However, this is a complicated solution for someone who doesn’t feel like doing anything. Medication is another route that often helps with depression, but it cannot teach you new skills. What is ideal in treating depression is addressing the problem with an array of options. That’s what the counselors here at the Relationship Enrichment Center offer.

First of all, dealing with your own perception of depression in addition to others’ perceptions can be one of the hardest parts of depression. When you’re not functioning at your highest level, it’s incredibly stressful to be around other people. For instance, if you’re so depressed that you’ve stopped exercising, discontinued a hobby or social activity, or underperformed at work, being asked about your life can feel shameful. 

In depression counseling, you don’t have to hold anything back or worry about your image. This is a chance to let your guard down, speak your mind without any fear of judgment, and realize that you are not “terminally unique.” Along the way, we want to honor your needs and address depression in a way that is empowering and non-shaming. 

In sessions together, you and your therapist will explore your history, background, and any contributing factors related to your depression. Sometimes this means looking at any unresolved trauma or loss that hasn’t been properly addressed. After all, depression is often as confusing as it is painful—current problems may exacerbate your symptoms without you knowing that they are connected to unprocessed events in your past.

For example, maybe you lost a pet and all of a sudden you find yourself in a funk, in part because of your pet, and also because of the unresolved grief you’ve been carrying from when a parent passed away several years ago. The overwhelm and pain is so immense that depression takes over as emotional “shut-down,” turning everything off. In this way, depression often seems to defy any chronological order. Therapy, however, provides a chance to properly deal with depression and sort through the root causes that have led to your pain. 

Although our treatment plan varies from client to client, one of our main goals is to right-size the depression and help you modify it. While it may seem counterintuitive, giving your depression a voice and a personality can help you understand what purpose your depression is trying to fulfill. Oftentimes, depression serves a protective function—not engaging in certain activities is a way to protect yourself from getting disappointed and being let down. In therapy , we will identify when depression first came into your life, explore its cause and purpose, and find ways to prevent it from holding you back.

Our therapists in Charlotte, NC often draws from an approach called the Family Systems Theory (FST). At its core, the idea of FST is that when one person in a family is depressed, their pain impacts the entire family system. For instance, if your partner seems apathetic or irritable and you don’t know that their behavior or mood is a result of depression, you may feel angry or exasperated with them. However, if you understand that the root of their low energy is depression, hopefully you will be able to offer more compassion, empathy, and understanding.

No matter how long you’ve felt depressed, we are here to tell you that you are not alone and you do not have to suffer in silence anymore. In depression treatment, you can put aside your need for image management, unlock new potential for growth, and embrace a brighter, healthier future.

You may have some concerns about depression treatment…

Therapy won’t help. I am a unique case and I have suffered too much.

If you’re reading this page, you’ve probably been coping with depression for a long time and you probably feel like you’ve already tried everything. It’s normal to feel this way, but our approach to therapy offers something different. Instead of just talking about thoughts and feelings, we aim to get to the root cause of your depression and understand the purpose it’s trying to fulfill in your life. This will help you recognize what triggers your depression and what can be done to stop it from interfering with your hopes and dreams. 

I don’t want to talk about my feelings, because I’m afraid you’ll see me as weak.

Being honest and truthful about your pain is one of the most courageous things you can do. Despite what cultural messages you receive to the contrary, allowing yourself to be vulnerable is a sign of deep inner strength. And since healing is rooted in connection, sharing your struggles is the first step toward overcoming your depression. 

Therapy is too expensive.

In the grand scheme of things, depression counseling is a valuable, life-giving investment. The cost is very small compared to months or years of suffering in silence. If you have children, therapy is a chance to model healthy living for them and show them that seeking help is essential to connection, healing and growth. 


Embrace A Brighter, Healthier Future With The Relationship Enrichment Center

If you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, we encourage you to contact us. Depression treatment can help you find hope and live joyfully in spite of your symptoms. To get started, you can click the “start today” button below or call our intake coordinator at 704-804-0810

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