Posts in Nervous System
Transforming The Experienced Based Brain: Transforming Touch

Transforming the Experienced Based Brain (TEB) is a modality that was designed to allow the nervous system to heal from early traumatic experiences, making it very effective for those who have experienced developmental and attachment trauma. 

Transforming Touch works with two different systems within our nervous system: our stress responses (fight, flight, freeze, fawn) and our attachment system.

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Trauma and the Nervous System

There are hundreds of books written about trauma and the many different aspects of trauma, and I would love to touch on it all; however, I am going to focus on how our nervous system is impacted by trauma and how this impacts our behaviors, thoughts, and beliefs about self. Simply defined, trauma is defined as any experience that creates feelings of overwhelmingness and/or an event that is perceived as life-threatening

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When I was first introduced to meditation, I was not a believer in its benefits. I thought the only form of meditation was sitting cross-legged in silence or with some soft music playing in the background while muttering “hummm” every few seconds. When I reflect back on this, I realize that I didn’t “believe” in it because I didn’t understand what it really was and how it helps the body.

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Managing Stress

April is Stress Awareness Month! When I learned that this month is dedicated to bringing awareness to stress I thought, “Wow, this is coming at a very good time in my life!” Between the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic and all of the uncertainty, changes, and challenges present in the world over the past year and recently selling my home and moving to accommodate a two week closing period, I have experienced a great deal of stress.

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