Welcome 2022!

Welcome 2022, a new year for me and you! 

Grateful for a new year, time to right size my overwhelming fear!

What to do, in 2022? 

These are some call to action slogans that come to mind when I'm out running and walking. This time between Christmas and New Year’s feels so good to reflect, renew and set some intention for a new year. I’m amazed at the power of writing down thoughts and intentions. This gives me an opportunity to consider my hopes and dreams for the upcoming year. Here is a simple outline for an intention setting activity.

Over several life subjects, consider writing out a hope or dream for  each area. Additional life subject or domains might include parenting, family vacation, retirement, intimacy, work and or any area of your life that you would like to change or add to. Begin the activity without limits or editing, being able to write down the things that you hope for and long for. And then using your lens of recovery and health, compare it to the lens of pathology or past hurts.  In writing this down, you are able to create some new direction. Here are some examples: 

Recovery Goals in bold: Pathology or past hurtful goals in italics

1.) Health

*Begin walking 3 times per week

*Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual

*Drink more water, 8 glasses of water per day

*Restrict intake to 700 calories per day

2.) Finances (with the help of a sponsor, I will ask for help with action steps with finances)

*Become debt free - talk to Laura within 2 weeks, about how to begin this process

*Talk to 3 financial planners and commit to a plan in 2022

*Start tithing

*Transfer all debt to zero percent credit offers and borrow $2000 more

3.) Relationships

*Invite a friend/partner out for a meal 2 times per month and put on calendar

*Join a group, thru 12 step recovery, meet up, group therapy, church for some format that meets 


* Read/Share a meditation in the mornings, 3 times per week

*Offer an ultimatum, if your partner doesn’t change or sober up, leave!

4.) Spirituality

*Consider some service work

*Attend a spirituality service

*Talk with someone about resistance to Spirituality

*Dis all forms of spirituality and defend why/how and ways they don’t work

As you begin this activity, imagine breathing in permission, and exhaling judgement and worry. I would invite you to set aside 20-30 minutes, and see what comes out. The bold statements are reasonable, shame free and inspired by my recovery. Any one of these life domains can be new to me, and require help from a sponsor or therapist. The financial goal of becoming debt free is a broad, and overwhelming goal, and coming up with the specific action items around this would require some guidance. Beginning the process of writing down the intention, and including how and where to begin might be all I know at this point. And, this is a start. 

May this new year be filled with abundance and joy.

Trusting the Process,
