What to Expect


1. Reach Out

Call 704-560-4388 or email us to begin the process of healing or growth. You can also click here to access our contact form.


2. Connect and schedule

Talk to our intake coordinator, Reema, to schedule a time to visit our offices for your initial consultation.

3. sign docs online

For your convenience, our documents needed for your first appointment are easily accessible online, and Tonga can walk you through the process.


Your First Visit

Your first appointment is coming up! How exciting. While we know this journey is well worth it, we also know it can feel uncomfortable seeking out guidance, therapy, or counseling services.

When you come to your first appointment, your therapist will complete a thorough assessment of the challenges you are experiencing as well as obtain some information about your family history. This is important because at Relationship Enrichment Center, we use a holistic approach to treat individuals, couples and families. If time permits, your therapist may invite you into an experiential activity in this first session to begin the treatment planning process.