
Moving… It’s such a pain in the arse! And yet it’s part of life. We are moving this fall, into a smaller home all on one floor.

I remember when the truck pulled up to the house and we began moving in. It took 4 men, and 7 hours to fill the house with furniture. Since then, I’m recalling the number of trips with stuffed bags and boxes coming into the house. Over the last 17 years, we’ve been accumulating, adding, and storing. Rarely have my arms been full as I’ve been leaving the house. Even more rare have I taken things out of the house and not brought them back. 

All the accumulation of stuff has been insulation. I am shocked as I remove things from the house, I begin to hear an echo. I begin to feel the absence of things and even see the beauty of emptiness and or simplicity.
And what’s with the angst about letting go? I know I’ve spent more time, obsessing, worrying, and dreading downsizing.  As I let go, give away and throw away, I feel lighter. I also feel hopeful.

I remember in college when everything I owned fit in my car. Or maybe everything I owned and cared about fit in my car. Now we have this giant house and it’s time to lighten our load.

I feel more prepared to downsize than my partner. He wants to keep his things, and I want to let them go. It’s my intention to be gentle, respectful while supporting him, and not shaming or controlling. The part about moving that’s different from other losses is choice. We are choosing to live with less and to let go of what we no longer need. When I look at this from the perspective of choice, I feel empowered. When loss happens and someone or something is ripped away, I suffer, as there was no choice.

Just for today, I choose to let go and live with less. I can’t wait to see my give away clothing, furniture, and kitchen good’s recycled, and be treasures to someone else.♥️

With Love,

Sheila Maitland