Spring is Here!

Spring has arrived! The weather is getting warmer, it stays lighter outside later into the evening, and the trees and flowers are starting to bloom. I love this time of the year because I feel an increase in motivation and energy as the anticipation of summer is upon us. On my drive to work in the morning, I have been intentionally looking at the blooming trees and thinking about the beauty they add to this world. I have been reminded to think about my own “new growth” and just as it takes time, energy, and nurturance for trees and flowers to fully bloom, I too need those same things before I can fully bloom.

This idea brings me right back to the importance of taking care of myself; making sure I get enough sleep (as much as I can with an almost one year old), ensuring I am eating food that makes me feel good, taking time for myself each day (this is hard for me!), reading, asking for help when I need it.  I am learning and experiencing that the more I care for myself, the more capacity I have to show up fully and wholly in my relationships with others. We are responsible for taking care of ourselves, and the more self-worth we have the more we can step into our self care and own it! In the past, I have unconsciously wanted others to take care of me and that is a disservice to myself and other people in my life.


I now have the mindset of I GET to take care of myself rather than I HAVE to take care of myself. The shift has been powerful. 

This is also a good time to reflect back on the goals and/or intentions that we made in the beginning of the year. What progress has been made? How consistent have we been? Are there challenges or roadblocks that might be getting in the way? What have we done really well? What has been surprising about the process? These are all great questions to ask to evaluate and determine if we are needing anything more or less to get to where we want to be. To continue the metaphor-- maybe we need more/less water, more/less fertilizer, more/less sun, or maybe we need another type of plant or flower (support) planted next to us to help keep the bugs off of us. 

Here is an affirmation that I have been using and I hope it is helpful for you too:

“I release that which is not serving me to make space for something better”

I encourage you to think and reflect on what “new growth” opportunities you have in your life at this time and what you need to do for yourself in order to give those opportunities what they need to fully bloom. 

Chelsie Ciminelli, LCSW-A